Last chance to save the Euro - John H. Cochrane
Recession, Restructuring, and the Ring Fence - John Hussman
How Greece could escape the Euro - Floyd Norris/New York Times
Dexia's collapse - Stratfor
Bank defense fail - Zero Hedge
Banking's self-inflicted wounds - Barry Ritholtz
Strange connections, Unintended consequences - Barry Rithotlz
Chinese economy on the edge of a nervous breakdown - Patrick Chovanec
Chinese crash-landing scenarios - Zero Hedge
One-third of Americans one paycheck away from default - Naked Capitalism
India's balance of payments: Bumpy road ahead - Live Mint
Video- Meltdown: Part 2 of 4 of an investigation of the 2008 financial crisis - Al-Jazeera
UPA policies are leading to a scorched earth syndrome - Firstpost
Team Anna campaigns against Congress - IBN
nice one...@@@.rumi