Sunday, September 23, 2012

Readable - 23/09/12 - International edition

How Germany can avoid wealth losses if the Eurozone breaks up - Paul De Grauwe and Yuemei Ji / VoxEU. Well, perhaps the authors should say how Germany can avoid ADDITIONAL wealth losses, or how they can minimize losses. Also, there will be many practical issues with restricting the conversion of Euros into Marks to just German residents.

Japan, the next panic - Peter Boone and Simon Johnson / The Atlantic. It is pretty obvious that Japan will face its day of reckoning, probably after we get some sort of a resolution to the Euro crisis.
Excerpt from the article:
'Bankers and politicians seem to enable the worst characteristics and behaviors of the other. The past few

Readable - 23/09/12 - Indian edition

Not reform vs populism - Pratap Bhanu Mehta / The Indian Express. Some very good points here, but the writer perhaps fails to adequately convey the fact that opposition to reforms nowadays is hardly about ideology, it is about political opportunism. It is fashionable these days to fanatically oppose any policy moves, regardless of whether they are in the interest of the nation.

Some (well-founded) skepticism on the supposedly 'Big-Bang' reforms, plus some ideas for the real thing, first from V. Anantha Nageswaran in Mint, and then from R. Jagannathan in Firstpost. I would recommend Nandan Nilekani's book Imagining India for those looking for detailed reform ideas (although Nilekani inexplicably fails to mention reforms in the judiciary in his book).

Again from Firstpost (which has really taken the UPA to the cleaners over bad economics in the last year or